Saturday, October 5, 2019

Is it important for people to have popular culture in daily life Essay

Is it important for people to have popular culture in daily life - Essay Example To emphasize on the consumerist and corrupted fiction that is popular culture, this essay will base its argument on James Harold article, ‘A moral Never-Never Land: Identifying with Tony Soprano’. This article will provide the essay with a counter-argument position to Harold’s reasoning. Harold’s article will assist this essay to provide points on why identifying with popular culture is a moral wrong and not vital to the everyday existence of man. The essay will pick various points against Harold’s final stand while also borrowing ideas from his article on why popular culture is a moral wrong. To further illustrate and prove the moral wrong of popular culture, the essay will use Harold’s examples borrowed from the TV series ‘the Sopranos’. In his article, Harold argues that associating with popular culture, in his instance, ‘the Sopranos’, does not affect the general public. He postulates that the show provides a balanced view of the good and bad people that it is impossible for one to get only caught up with the show’s protagonist Tony Soprano. He notes that the show’s other main characters such as Jeniffer Melfi provide the audience with a point of view that holds a different view from Tony’s violence filled life. In his article, the author bases it around the moral aspect of popular culture. Due to its consumerist nature, popular culture mostly tends to be sensationalist and in effect end up holding no moral ground or values. It is for this reason that this essay disputes it necessity to people’s everyday life. The strengths of Harold’s article is that it provides a double view argument on the subject of morality and popular culture. The author provides argument by Pl ato and Tolstoy’s moral criticism of art (Harold, 2011). He uses this countering argument to base his argument that art provides a plethora of perspectives which allow the

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